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Pre-K Registration

PRE-K ONLINE registration instructions

*** When you are ready to begin your online registration for your Pre-K student, please click here ***

DOWNLOAD: Pre-K Registration Packet for 2024-2025

Thank you for choosing us for your child's first education. We know you will be happy with your choice. Our program serves 3, 4, and 5 year olds and we have 4 or 5 half-day classes. Please note that due to changes in the preschool regulations, we have made some changes to be compliant with the laws.

Key information to know prior to registering your student for Madison Pre-K:

  • Tuition is non-refundable: We staff our classrooms based on enrollment. If tuition is not paid, your child's position in the classroom may be given to another student.
  • To reserve your space: We must receive the following in order to reserve your child's space 
    • First month's tuition
    • A current physical with immunizations
      • NOTE: a CURRENT physical form signed by a physician must be on file before your child can attend Pre-K classes. Physicals must be updated during the year within 30 days of the expiration date or we will have to exempt your child from class until received
    • Birth certificate
    • Any custody papers (if applicable),
    • Parent photo ID
    • Proof of residency: Acceptable documents are utility bills (gas, electric or water), or purchase/rental/construction agreement 
  • Grant program: This program is available to any child who is or turns four by September 30, 2023. There is a required income survey sheet you must complete prior to starting school. For income verification, a 2022 tax return or the Ohio Direction Card is required.
  • Potty training: Your child must be COMPLETELY potty trained by the start of school. Exceptions are made for students whose needs require it, but this determination is made on an individual basis. There is NO REFUND if you do not start your child on time due to not being potty trained. 
*** When you are ready to begin your online registration for your Pre-K student, please click here ***