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Pre-School and Adult Education (GED)

Jovette Hiltunen
Pre-K Director
Janice Haury     

The Pre-K Program of the Madison Local School District is designed to meet the needs of three-, four-, and five-year-old children. We emphasize the full development of the young child both as a member of a group and individually. We firmly believe that what a child learns and how s/he learns during the preschool years greatly influences later adjustment, attitudes and performance.

Pre-school is now held at the former Red Bird Elementary.

To register your child for the Madison Pre-K program, please click here.

Adult Basic Literacy Education / GED

Mary Ann Kerwood   

The Madison Local School District's Adult programs help develop, improve, and expand life-long learning opportunities for adults in their family, community and work roles.  The program includes:
   * Skill review
   * GED preparation
   * GED practice test

The Adult Basic Literacy Education/GED program is held at Madison High School.

Click here for GED schedule